Some of our patients are referred to us by their doctor, although this is not necessary, and most of our patients are self referred.

The first session or consultation can take up to an hour. During this time, the osteopath will:

  • Ask questions about the problem and related subjects
  • Ask general health questions
  • Make an examination of relevant areas (this may require the removal of outer clothing)
  • Observe posture and movements
  • Perform some tests including nerve and muscle function

Once completed, your osteopath will then explain what the problem is and the probable causes. The treatment and the types of techniques will then be discussed, as will the probable length of time for treatment (this can vary).

After permission is given, treatment may begin – this usually consists of a variety of techniques, such as:

  • Soft tissue massage
  • Mobilisations or stretching techniques
  • Joint manipulations
  • Acupuncture
  • Hydrotherapy

Over the course of treatment advice may be given, which could include:

  • Postural advice
  • Stretching or exercising prescription
  • Work related improvements e.g. work station ergonomics or lifting techniques
  • Lifestyle adjustments

The aim of the above treatment and advice is to free restricted joints, and loosen muscles and other tissues. This enables the body to improve and recover. These improvements can generally be maintained by following the advice given.